This privacy policy (the “Policy“) is intended to clarify the processing of your personal data (“Data“) obtained through the CampusAI platform (the “Platform“). We strive to ensure that Data is processed in accordance with the law, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (the “General Data Protection Regulation”) (“RODO“).

Terms used in the Policy have the meanings given to them in the Terms and Conditions of the Platform available here.

The Policy applies to the processing of your Data if you have the status of a person using our Platform, including either a User or a person representing a User.

1. information about data processing

  1. The Administrator of the Data is CampusAI P.S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw (ul. Chmielna 73, 00-801 Warsaw, Poland), entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for the city of Warsaw. st. Warsaw, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS no.: 0001030100, NIP no.: 5273051714, share capital amount: PLN 1,000.00 (“We” or “CampusAI“).
  2. You may contact us regarding questions, requests and complaints regarding the processing of your Data (“Submissions“):
    2.1. via email correspondence:; or
    2.2. In writing to the address: ul. Chmielna 73, 00-801 Warsaw, Poland.
  3. In the Application, provide: (i) Details of the person to whom the Application relates, (ii) a description of the event to which the Notification relates, and (iii) the way you expect the reported issue to be resolved.
  4. As part of the Platform, we process Data for the purpose of:
    4.1. The execution of the Agreement concluded with you, including the delivery of Products – on the basis of Art. 6(1)(b) RODO;
    4.2. sending commercial information to you (newsletter), when you give your consent – based on Art. 6 paragraph. 1(a) RODO;
    4.3. Implementation of legal obligations incumbent on us (e.g., under accounting and tax regulations) – on the basis of Art. 6 paragraph. 1(c) RODO;
    4.4. The realization of our legitimate interest, which is: (i) the establishment, investigation or defense of claims; (ii) conducting analytical, marketing or statistical activities on the Platform and the use of cookies; (iii) contacting you, such as when you contact us through a contact form or in connection with a Request; (iv) if you are a person representing you or appointed by you to contact you – performance of the contract concluded with the entity you represent – pursuant to Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) RODO).
  5. We have described more detailed information, including the legal basis for the processing of Data under individual cookies, in §2 below.
  6. We may transfer Data to entities cooperating with us, including IT system providers, payment operators, providers of legal, accounting, debt collection or training services, courier and postal service providers, as well as to all institutions authorized under applicable laws, in particular courts and tax offices.
  7. Where appropriate, your Data may be transferred outside the EEA. We will then ensure their confidentiality and ensure that only Data necessary for the proper performance of the Agreement will be transferred and the transfer will be based on appropriate safeguards required by law.
  8. We will not keep the Data longer than necessary to provide the services, including the provision of the Products for which it was collected, unless required by law.
  9. If you are a person representing a User or designated by a User to contact us, we have received your Data (in the form of: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number and official position) from the User you represent or on whose behalf you act.
  10. Where we process Data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The processing of Data until you revoke your consent remains lawful.
  11. You have the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority, in Poland: President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  12. You have the right to request us to access, rectify, erase or restrict the processing of your Data, or the right to object to the processing of your Data, as well as the right to data portability.
  13. The Data you provide is voluntary, but necessary to conclude the Agreement – without providing it, we will not be able to conclude it with you.You will not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling, on the Platform.

2 Cookies

  1. The Platform uses cookies or other similar technologies, so your use of the Platform requires the placement of small text files with information used by websites on your End Device, connecting to your browser and other data storage mechanisms – collectively referred to as cookies. When you use the Platform, we download from browsers and save information that may contain Data.
  2. Please be advised that we use necessary cookies to provide you with services and functionality of the Platform. The legal basis for the processing of Data in connection with the use of necessary cookies is the necessity of processing for the performance of the contract – on the basis of Art. 6 paragraph. 1(b) RODO, in case we enter into a Contract with you – or our legitimate interest from Art. 6 paragraph. 1(f) of the DPA), which is to provide the highest quality of service on the Platform.
  3. In terms of other cookies so-called. “optional files”, the legal basis for the processing of Data in connection with the use of cookies, including in terms of adapting the functionality of the Platform to your needs and preferences, is your consent – Art. 6 paragraph. 1(a) RODO. By managing the cookie settings in your own browser, you can withdraw the consents you have given at any time.
  4. The period of activity of cookies is as follows: in the case of temporary cookies – the files are automatically deleted after a certain expiration date; in the case of permanent cookies – the files are active on your browser until they are deleted, which you can do at any time.
  5. You have the right to use the options offered by each browser to manage cookies. For more information, you can refer to the privacy/security settings of the browser you are using. Deletion of cookies may affect the correct operation of the Platform and its functionalities, the correct display of the Platform and the loss of preferred web page settings within the Platform. Blocking or restricting the access of cookies to your device may adversely affect the functionality of the Platform.
  6. Cookies and pixel tags may also be used by third parties (e.g. Google, Facebook) to provide their own content or advertisements on websites or portals based on records from these cookies and pixel tags.
  7. We use the following types of cookies: (i) necessary – necessary for the proper functioning of the Platform, including storing your session and enabling and improving the operation of the Platform; (ii) analytics – enabling analysis and statistics on the Platform, (iii) functional – used to remember and customize the Platform according to your choices and (iv) advertising – when running advertising campaigns, to tailor advertising to you and remember its settings. In addition, as part of the aforementioned types of cookies, we also use external cookies, i.e. posted by third-party entities (such as Google Analytics or Facebook’s Pixel). In the case of external cookies, the rules for their processing are also described in separate documents provided by third parties.

3 Final provisions

  1. Developments in technology and the development of our offerings mean that the Policy is subject to change, of which we will inform you via the Platform or email.
  2. Date of last modification of the Policy: 12.12.2023 r.