1. The Service Provider is CampusAI P.S.A. (“Service Provider”) with registered office in Warsaw (ul. Chmielna 73, 00-801 Warsaw, Poland), entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register by the District Court for the city of Warsaw. st. Warsaw, XIII Economic Department of the National Court Register, under KRS: 0001030100, NIP: 5273051714, share capital amount: PLN 1,000.00, e-mail address: info@campusai.pl.
  2. All Services provided by the Service Provider are governed by the Regulations, with the exception of services or scope of services subject to separate regulations.
  3. A Consumer is a natural person making a legal transaction with an entrepreneur that is not directly related to his/her business or professional activity; the rights of a Consumer referred to in the Regulations also apply to a natural person entering into a contract directly related to his/her business activity, when it is clear from the content of the contract that it is not of a professional nature for that person, arising in particular from the subject of his/her business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Register and Information on Business Activity.
  4. Digital Content is data produced and delivered in digital form, based on the Terms and Conditions and the Digital Content Delivery Agreement;
  5. Digital Service is a Service that allows:

(a) generation, processing, storage or access to data in digital form,

(b) sharing of digital data that has been uploaded or produced by the Service Recipient or other users of this Service,

(c) other forms of interaction through digital data;

  1. The Law on the Provision of Electronic Services is the law of July 18, 2002. On provision of services by electronic means (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344, as amended);
  2. The Consumer Rights Act is the law of May 30, 2014. On consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2020, item 287, as amended);


  1. The services are, in particular:
    1. access to information on the basis of the Press Law or the Broadcasting Act, providing the opportunity to read the content of text, graphic and multimedia materials on a variety of topics made available on individual request in such a way that the Service Recipient can access them at a time of his own choosing;
    2. services for the sale of products or services, including services provided through an IT mechanism that provides the ability to contract for certain products or services:

– delivery of the paper edition of hAI Magazine

– providing an electronic edition of hAI Magazine (Digital Content)

c. Match the content of advertising messages to the Client’s preferences based on the information provided, in particular by analyzing the Client’s activity;

d. providing space on the Service Provider’s servers for adding comments and displaying them (Digital Service);

e. The ability to use the Archive by providing access to archival articles and press materials (Digital Content);

g. sending newsletters(Digital Service);

h. The possibility to ask the Service Provider questions related to a specific topic by e-mail;

(2) The Service Provider shall specify the types of Services requiring registration or provision of certain personal data, as well as specify the types of Services referred to in paragraph (2). 1(b).

(4) The offer to provide the Services shall be valid until such time as the Services are suspended or discontinued or the rules for their provision are changed. The service provider shall be entitled to suspend or discontinue or change the rules for the provision of Services by amending the Regulations, or to the extent not specified by the Regulations, giving notice in the manner specified in the Regulations, subject to the preservation of rights arising from the payment of a fee for the provision of Services.

(5) The Service Provider reserves the right to post information on promotions for the provision of Services referred to in Section 1(b).

(6) The Customer shall be bound by the price quoted at the time of placing the order, taking into account any current promotion.


  1. In order to properly and fully use the Services, Service Recipients should have:
  1. terminal device with access to the Internet;
  2. latest version of web browser: Mozilla FireFox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari , supporting cookie technology;
  3. An active email account.


  1. The Service Provider determines the types of free and paid Services.
  2. The conclusion of certain contracts for the provision of free and paid Services requires registration. Created during the registration process: Account and Login of the Service Recipient may be assigned to only one Service Recipient, and he may have only one Account.
  3. The conclusion of the contract for the provision of Free Services is made at the time of any action.
  4. The conclusion of a contract for the provision of Paid Services that do not require registration occurs at the time of placing an order for a given Service, which is done by payment of a fee by the Customer in the amount and manner specified by the Service Provider.
  5. The conclusion of a contract for the provision of Paid Services requiring registration occurs when the Customer places an order for a particular Service in accordance with the instructions. Until the commencement of this Service, the Customer may make changes to the placed order using the Account.
  6. The Service Provider stipulates that some of the Services it provides may require the provision of personal data by the Customer, without registration. The Service Provider determines the types of these Services.
  7. In the case of a periodical publication, the Service Recipient may purchase a subscription to it, in the form of this publication of his choice, for the selected period provided for in the description of the publication under the conditions specified in detail when placing the order.


  1. The Service Provider will begin to provide Paid Services upon payment.
  2. The amount and methods of payment of the fee shall be determined by the Service Provider.
  3. Payments can be made through the PayU.pl system, operated by PayU S.A., based in Poznań (60-166), ul. Grunwaldzka 186, KRS No. 0000274399, NIP: 7792308495, REGON: 300523444.
  4. Payments through the PayU.pl system, depending on their availability, which are made according to the rules currently specified for these payment methods by the entities that support them, may be made only by persons authorized to use the payment instrument on the basis of which the payment is made through the above. systems; in particular, a given payment card may only be used by its authorized holder. Fraud cases detected by PayU S.A. will be reported to the relevant law enforcement agencies.
  5. The service provider also provides auto-renewable payments.
  6. Making auto-renewable payments is only available through a payment card. The Service Recipient has the option to choose automatic renewal of the paid Service covered by this system, for the next period available for this Service, while maintaining the previous terms of the contract for its provision. This means that after the end of the period for which the Service has been paid, the Service Recipient’s account will be charged for the next same period, and the use of the Service will be extended by this period. In the event of a price change, the Service Provider will inform the Service Recipient 168 hours before the price change about the new price list for the Service. The auto-renewal of payments and what follows is the extension of the use of the Service in such a system for further ww. period, may be canceled by the Service Recipient:

(a) at the latest 48h before the start of the next period of use of the Service covered by the subscription/subscription;

b) with the appropriate auto-renewable subscription/subscription after logging in to the Customer’s panel/account

If the Customer does not cancel the subscription/subscription within this period, the Service will be terminated on the date specified in accordance with the order placed. Otherwise, the Service will continue for subsequent periods of Service use. The Service Recipient shall be informed by the Service Provider each time of the fact of automatic renewal of the ordered subscription/subscription to the Service when the Service Recipient selects recurring payments with the conditions indicated above.”

7. If the Client pays more than the amount specified in the applicable price list, the Service Provider shall refund the excess to the Client.


  1. The service provider provides information under the terms of the Press Law and or the Law of December 29, 1992. On broadcasting. The Service Provider stipulates that all messages and materials (especially graphics, articles, photos) are protected as provided for in particular under the Law on Copyright and Related Rights the Service Recipient has the right to use them only for permitted personal use. Copying, reproduction, distribution on the Internet and other forms of use of materials and messages beyond the limits allowed by law is prohibited. The rules for the use of works within the meaning of the Copyright Law beyond the framework of permitted use are set forth in separate regulations.
  2. The Service Provider stipulates that there may be interruptions in the operation of the Services in order to update data, fix errors and perform other maintenance work, as well as for other reasons beyond the Service Provider’s control (such as force majeure, act or omission of third parties for which the Service Provider is not responsible, etc.). – of which, to the extent technically possible, it will inform the Service Recipients in a manner available to it, in particular by posting a message.
  3. Service Recipients are obliged to act in accordance with the law, the rules of social coexistence and observe the generally accepted rules of conduct relating to all Internet users, which are designed to protect their interests and the interests of third parties (Netiquette). Service Recipients may not provide Content of a Terrorist Nature.
  4. It is forbidden for the Service Recipient to use the Services in a manner contrary to the law, morality or violating the legitimate interests of the Service Provider or for the purpose of committing Terrorist Crimes.
  5. The service recipient may use works and/or databases only within the scope of permitted use. It is forbidden to download the contents of databases and secondary use of them in whole or in substantial part as to quality or quantity.
  6. In the event that the Service Provider requires an e-mail address from the Customer in order to provide the Service, the Customer is required to provide a real e-mail address, i.e. One under which he receives correspondence. The Service Recipient is obliged to notify the Service Provider immediately of a change in his e-mail address by sending a relevant message to the Service Provider’s e-mail address. If the Service Provider is not informed of a change of e-mail address, any statements and information sent by the Service Provider to the Client to the e-mail address provided by the Client in the form shall be deemed to have been properly delivered, subject to the norms applicable to Consumers.
  7. The Service Provider does not guarantee the Services and does not provide after-sales services for them.
  8. If the Services are inconsistent with the contract, the Customer who is a Consumer may demand to bring them into conformity with the contract.
  9. The Service Provider may refuse to bring the Service into conformity with the contract if bringing the Service into conformity with the contract is impossible or would require excessive costs for the Service Provider.
  10. The Service Provider shall bring the Service into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time from the moment it is informed by the Service Recipient of the non-conformity with the contract, and without undue inconvenience to the Service Recipient- taking into account their nature and the purpose for which they are used.
  11. If the Service is inconsistent with the contract, the Service Recipient may submit a statement of price reduction or withdrawal from the contract due to their non-conformity with the contract when:
  1. – to bring it into conformity with the contract is impossible or requires excessive costs;
  2. – The service provider will not bring the contract into compliance in accordance with paragraph. 3 above;
  3. – the Service’s non-conformity with the contract continues, even though the Service Provider has tried to bring the Service into conformity with the contract;
  4. – the lack of conformity of the Services with the contract is so significant that it justifies either a reduction in price or withdrawal from the contract without first requiring them to be brought into conformity with the contract;
  5. – it is clear from the Service Provider’s statement or circumstances that it will not bring the Services into conformity with the contract within a reasonable time or without undue inconvenience to the Service Recipient.
  1. The Customer may not withdraw from the contract if the Service is provided in exchange for payment of a price, and the lack of compliance is immaterial. Non-compliance is presumed to be material.
  2. The reduced price must remain in such proportion to the contract price as the value of the non-conforming Service remains to the value of the conforming Service. If the contract stipulates that the Service is provided in parts or continuously, the price reduction shall take into account the time during which the Service remained inconsistent with the contract.
  3. The Service Provider shall promptly, but no later than within 14 days from the date of submission of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract or price reduction, refund to the Consumer Customer the price paid (or, respectively, the portion resulting from the reduction), with the Service Provider being obliged to refund the price only in the portion corresponding to another Service:
  1. – inconsistent with the contract, or
  2. – whose obligation to deliver has fallen away due to withdrawal from the contract.


  1. The Service Recipient shall have the necessary authorizations and consents to post comments and Entries in a lawful manner in particular excluding the infringement of third party rights. If the Entry or commentary constitutes a work under copyright law, the Client grants the Service Provider a royalty-free, license to use this work in the following fields of exploitation:
  1. In terms of recording and reproduction of the work – production of copies of the work by any known technique, including printing, reprography, magnetic recording and digital technique;
  2. In terms of circulation of the original or copies on which the work was fixed – marketing, lending or leasing of the original or copies;
  3. with regard to dissemination of the work in a manner other than that specified in letter b – public performance, exhibition, display, reproduction, as well as broadcasting and rebroadcasting, as well as making the work available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choosing.

2. The license referred to in paragraph 1) is granted upon making the Entry or comment, for the entire duration of the copyright of the Entry or comment as a work.

3. The service provider is entitled to grant sublicenses for the use of the work.

4. The Client permits the Service Provider to exercise a dependent copyright in the work, i.e. in particular, to modify it, make abbreviations and editorial changes in it, with the right to continue to grant such permission, as well as to include in the Entry content from the Service Recipient or to include the Entry or parts of it in other works, without copyright supervision from the Service Recipient – to the extent described above.

5. The service provider does not order them, does not commission their preparation, does not perform editorial analysis or pre-publication authorization, but only saves the Entry (or commentary) in the technical infrastructure and makes it available on the Internet. The Service Provider is entitled to remove any Entry (or comment) at any time if there is a legitimate need.

6. It is unacceptable to publish unlawful content.

7. Reports of unlawful content should be made to the Service Provider.


  1. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, the Service Provider shall be liable only to the extent that liability cannot be excluded or limited under mandatory provisions.
  2. In particular, the Service Provider is not responsible for the content of websites hosted on third-party domains and for the operation of servers hosting the mailboxes of the Service Recipients, in particular for the blocking by mail server administrators of e-mails sent by the Service Provider to the Service Recipient.
  3. The service provider stipulates that all content is for informational purposes only and cannot be treated as legally binding between the service provider and the customer. The recipient acknowledges and agrees that the information provided within the framework of the provided materials, such as, in particular, any kind of data, advice and guidance, including, for example, in the field of stock market information – is not a substitute for the advice or guidance provided by an expert in this field based on a detailed analysis of all the circumstances of a particular case. The content indicated above is prepared with the utmost effort to be factually correct and up-to-date, however, the Service Provider is not responsible for the effectiveness or applicability of the data, tips, advice, etc. contained therein, nor for the consequences of their application.
  4. The Service Recipient shall be liable under the terms of mandatory regulations.
  5. In particular, the recipient is responsible for the disclosure of the Password or Login and disclosure of personal information.
  6. The service provider is responsible for:
    1. inconsistency of the Digital Service or Digital Content delivered on a continuous basis that occurred or became apparent at the time they were to be delivered in accordance with the contract. Non-compliance with the contract is presumed to have occurred at that time if it became apparent at that time;
    2. non-conformity of the Service delivered otherwise than continuously, which existed at the time of their delivery and became apparent within two years from that time. Non-compliance of the Service with the contract, which became apparent before the expiration of one year after the delivery of the Service, is presumed to have existed at the time of their delivery.


Details on data protection are included in the Privacy Policy


  1. Complaints may be submitted by the Service Recipient in the form of e-mail info@campusai.pl or in writing, including by registered mail, to the Service Provider’s registered address.
  2. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, the Customer may file a complaint within 14 days of the occurrence of the event giving rise to the complaint.
  3. In the case of subscriptions to periodical publications, the complaint may also relate to non-delivery or delayed delivery of an issue of such publication.
  4. The complaint must include the name and mailing address of the Service Recipient and:
  1. in the case of Services requiring registration – the name of the Account (Login) of the Customer;
  2. in the case of Services requiring an e-mail address – the e-mail address of the Customer provided to the Service Provider.
  1. Complaints will be processed within 14 days of receipt of the complaint by the Service Provider.
  2. In addition to the procedure specified above, the Service Provider does not provide for the use of out-of-court means of handling complaints and claims.
  3. If the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act or other laws imply rights of the Service Recipient that are not indicated in the Regulations or other documents of the rules for the provision of individual Services, their failure to mention them shall not affect the Service Recipient’s ability to exercise such rights.


  1. In the case of purchase by the Customer of Services of a combined nature, i.e., subscription to an e-issue and a print edition, the Service Provider has the right to withdraw from the Agreement with the Customer within 14 days of its conclusion, if it is determined from the facts of the case that logistical and economic considerations in the delivery of the print edition significantly prevent the delivery of the print edition to the address indicated by the Customer. In this case, the Service Recipient will be immediately informed of the termination of the Agreement and will be refunded the full amount paid within 14 days.
  2. The contract for the provision of free Services that do not require registration shall be terminated as a result of discontinuation of use of the Service by the Customer.
  3. The contract for the provision of free or paid Services requiring registration is concluded for an indefinite period of time and may be terminated by either Party at any time by giving 1 month’s notice effective at the end of the calendar month.
  4. Termination shall be effected by sending a statement of termination to the other Party to the e-mail address indicated in Part I of the Regulations, when the termination is effected by the Client, or to the e-mail address provided by the Client, when the termination is effected by the Service Provider.
  5. The contract for the provision of a paid Service shall terminate at the end of the period for which such Service was paid.
  6. The deletion of the Customer’s Account does not result in the termination of the contracts for the provision of Services concluded by the Customer.
  7. Service Recipients who are Consumers shall have the right to withdraw without giving any reason and without incurring costs, except for the costs specified below, from any contract for the provision of Services concluded with the Service Provider, within 14 days from the date of conclusion of such contract, subject to paragraph. 8.
  8. The right of withdrawal does not apply to the Consumer with respect to the contract
  1. for the provision of services for which the consumer is liable to pay the price, if the trader has performed the service in full with the express and prior consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the service, that after the performance of the trader will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and accepted it;
  2. for the supply of daily newspapers, periodicals or magazines, except for a subscription contract;
  3. for the supply of digital content not delivered on a tangible medium, for which the consumer is obliged to pay the price, if the trader has started the performance with the express and prior consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the performance that after the performance of the trader will lose the right to withdraw from the contract, and has accepted this, and the trader has provided the consumer with a confirmation.

(9) A consumer who wishes to exercise his right of withdrawal shall inform about his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (such as a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail). The consumer can print out the formula found at the link(DOWNLOAD FORM). The consumer can also use the statutory model withdrawal form, which is an appendix to the Consumer Rights Act The use of the above models is not mandatory. In order to comply with the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information on the exercise of his right of withdrawal before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal. The Service Provider shall promptly, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s statement of withdrawal from the Agreement, refund all payments made by the Consumer.

(10) With regard to the exercise of the right to withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance, the Service Provider informs that the cost of returning the product shall be borne by the Customer. If the Service Provider is required to refund all or part of the amount paid to it by the Client, the refund shall be made using the same method of payment used by the Client, unless the Client has expressly agreed to a different method of refund that does not incur any costs for the Client.

(11) The Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate the contract for the provision of Services, with immediate effect, and remove the Entry – in case of illegality of the Entry.

(12) The Service Provider shall be entitled to terminate contracts for the provision of Services and to block access to the Account or delete the Account of the unlawful user. Termination by the Service Provider in such a situation shall have immediate effect with respect to all contracts entered into by the Client with the Service Provider .


  1. The Service Provider shall have the right to amend the Terms and Conditions for valid technical, legal or organizational reasons, subject to the preservation of the rights of Service Recipients who have paid a fee for the provision of paid services by the Service Provider – subject to points 2 and 4.
  2. Service recipients will be informed of the content of the change to the Terms and Conditions 15 days in advance of the change, by publishing a summary of the changes to the Terms and Conditions and maintaining this information – for at least 15 days.
  3. Changes may also be made due to the need to take into account the obligations of the Service Provider, imposed by law or the decision of a court or other competent authority, or for other legitimate reasons expressly indicated in the Regulations. In the case referred to in the preceding sentence, Service Recipients shall be informed of the change, by announcing the changes to the Regulations and maintaining this information.
  4. The Customer has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of Paid Services no later than 14 days prior to the implementation of changes to the Regulations. The Customer’s statement to this effect requires sending an e-mail to: info@campusa.pl
  5. A change of address or contact information regarding the Service Provider specified in the Regulations, nor a change of editorial address – does not constitute an amendment to the Regulations.
  6. Consumers may obtain free assistance on their rights and on the dispute between them and the Service Provider, among other things, by applying to the district (city) consumer ombudsman or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection. Information for consumers, including information on how to obtain assistance, is also available on the website of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (uokik.gov.pl) under the “Settlement of Consumer Disputes” tab.
  7. All questions, opinions and requests, as well as statements to the Service Provider, the Service Recipient may direct to the e-mail address: info@campusai.pl
  8. Any disputes arising between a Customer who is not a Consumer and the Service Provider shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction over the Service Provider’s registered office.
  9. The regulations enter into force on 02.05.2024.